Hey StockNovice. I have read your write-ups since you've been doing them and you are great! Thanks for everything you share. I have learned so much.

As I read this month's write-up I don't recall ever seeing you hold this much cash (last month was high too). Nor I have I seen you hold cash for this long. It seems atypical and that makes me curious and I have lots of questions but I'll try to make it one or two....

I guess I am trying to square the statement "these are often the best times to buy" with the cash allocation I've never seen before. I guess it caught me a little off guard. Has "your style" has changed in light of how the past few years have unfolded?

I am 1000% genuinely curious and trying to get better myself. I have generally been more conservative than you and I've always tried to learn how to be more aggressive in a "smart way" by reading your thoughts. Thanks for anything you are willing to share and have a great weekend!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, have a good 4th of July (I assume you're in the US, but not sure πŸ€”). πŸ’š πŸ₯ƒ

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